Navagraha Mantra

Navagraha Mantra: Rahu and Shani can be pacified by these simple mantras, know which mantra of which planet.
4 ऑगस्ट, 2023 by
Yantra Guru
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Navagraha Mantra

According to astrology, Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Rahu-Ketu are called Navagrahas. The auspicious and inauspicious position of these Navagrahas deeply impacts a person. Due to the auspicious position of the planets, a person's life becomes happy, and progress is achieved, whereas, due to the inauspicious position of the planets, many types of problems start coming into a person's life. Each planet gives different results. Different mantras are chanted to make each planet favorable. By chanting these mantras, you can eliminate the problems caused by the inauspicious effects of the planets. So let's know which mantra should be chanted to pacify which planet.

Sun Planet

Om Hram Hram Hram S: Suryaya Namah:

In astrology, Sun is considered the king of all the planets. Sun has been considered the factor of respect and father-son. To strengthen the position of the Sun, water should be given from a copper pot while reciting the Gayatri Mantra. Chant this mantra to strengthen the part of the Sun. Sun is known as the soul of all the planets. Worshiping Lord Sun gives strength, courage, fame, success, and prosperity.

In astrology, Sun is considered the king of all the planets.

In astrology, the Sun holds a special place as the king of all the planets. It symbolizes respect and the father-son relationship. To enhance the influence of the Sun in your life, offering water from a copper pot while reciting the powerful Gayatri Mantra is recommended. This sacred chant helps strengthen the position of the Sun and brings its positive energy into your life. The Sun is often called the soul of all the planets, and worshiping Lord Sun can bring strength, courage, fame, success, and prosperity.

Worshiping Lord Sun brings strength, courage, fame, success, and prosperity.

Worshiping Lord Sun is believed to bring numerous benefits into one's life. It brings strength, courage, fame, success, and prosperity. The Sun symbolizes power and vitality, and by offering water, flowers, and prayers to Lord Sun, devotees seek his blessings and positive energy. Regular Sun worship can help overcome obstacles and achieve goals. It is a way to connect with the divine power of the Sun and invite its blessings into our lives.

The Sun is associated with the zodiac sign Leo.

In astrology, the Sun is closely associated with the zodiac sign Leo. Individuals born under this sign are known for their leadership qualities, charisma, and strong personality. The Sun represents the essence and identity of a person. A strong Sun in the birth chart indicates confidence and self-expression. Astrologers analyze the position of the Sun in a person's chart to gain insights into their personality traits and life path. Understanding the influence of the Sun can provide valuable guidance in various aspects of life.

Lunar Planet

Om ain kleem somaya namah.

In astrology, the moon is considered to be the factor of the mind. Due to the inauspicious position of the Moon, a person may have to face mental troubles. One should chant this mantra and worship Lord Shiva to make the moon promising. Moon represents the mind of a person; honoring is helpful for mental peace, attainment of wealth, and success in life.

In astrology, the moon is considered to be the factor of the mind.

In astrology, the moon is believed to be the factor that influences the mind. It is said that if the moon is in an inauspicious position, a person may experience mental troubles. However, there are ways to make the moon auspicious—one such method is by chanting a specific mantra while worshiping Lord Shiva. Doing so is believed to attain mental peace, wealth, and success.

Moon represents the mind of a person.

The moon is said to symbolize the mind of a person. By worshiping the moon, one can experience mental peace and tranquility. It is believed that worshiping the moon can bring wealth and success in life. It is a practice that has been followed for centuries to harness the positive energies associated with the moon.

The moon is associated with the mind in astrology

In astrology, the moon is closely associated with the mind. The moon's position is believed to impact a person's mental well-being. To counter any negative effects, chanting a specific mantra while worshiping Lord Shiva is recommended. This practice is believed to make the moon auspicious and can bring mental peace and success.

Mars Planet

Om Hoon Shree Mangalaya Namah

In astrology, Mars is considered the commander of the planets. Mars is the factor of courage, bravery. Due to the inauspiciousness of Mars, problems like excessive anger in a person's nature and problems in marriage start coming. To reduce the inauspiciousness of Mars, Hanuman ji should be worshipped. Along with this, this mantra of Mars should be chanted. By worshiping Mars, one gets perfect health, strength, wealth, and prosperity.

Mars is considered the commander of the planets in astrology.

In astrology, Mars holds a significant position as the commander of the planets. It is believed to influence our courage and bravery. However, the inauspiciousness of Mars can lead to problems such as excessive anger and difficulties in marriage. To counteract these negative effects, it is recommended to worship Hanuman Ji, the deity associated with Mars. Additionally, chanting the mantra of Mars can also be beneficial. By dedicating ourselves to the worship of Mars, we can attain perfect health, strength, wealth, and prosperity.

Mercury Planet

Om Ain Shree Shree Budhay Namah:

Mercury is considered a juvenile planet and the prince of planets in astrology. The planet Mercury is related to intelligence, speech, and skin. To remove the inauspiciousness of Mercury, Lord Ganesha should be worshiped on Wednesday. The mantras to make Mercury favorable are as follows. Mercury is the factor of a person's speech, intelligence, logic, and alertness. By worshiping Mercury, one gets knowledge and wealth and gets rid of physical ailments.

Mercury is considered a juvenile planet and the prince of planets in astrology.

Mercury is considered a juvenile planet and the prince of planets in astrology. It is related to intelligence, speech, and skin. To remove the inauspiciousness of Mercury, Lord Ganesha should be worshiped on Wednesday. Mercury is the factor of a person's address, intelligence, logic, and alertness. By honoring Mercury, one can gain knowledge, wealth and get rid of physical ailments.

Guru means Jupiter

Om Hree Kleem Hoon Brihaspataye Namah.

In astrology, the planet Jupiter,  i.e. Jupiter, has been considered the factor of success and prosperity. To make Jupiter strong, worshiping a banana tree on Thursday is auspicious. Chant this mantra to make Jupiter favorable. Jupiter is one of the most benefic planets. By honoring them, one gets wealth, education, and progeny, and a person receives longevity.

In astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet of success and prosperity.

In astrology, the planet Jupiter, also known as Guru, has long been regarded as the key to success and prosperity. To harness the positive energy of Jupiter, it is considered auspicious to worship a banana tree on Thursdays. One can enhance its favorable influence in their life by chanting a specific mantra dedicated to Jupiter. Jupiter is renowned as one of the most benefic planets, and by paying homage to it, individuals can attract wealth, gain knowledge, have a blessed lineage, and enjoy a long and fulfilling life.


Om Hree Shree Shukray Namah:

The relation of Venus has been considered with physical comforts, love relations, etc. Due to the inauspiciousness of this planet, there is a lack of comfort in a person's life. This mantra of Venus should be chanted to make Venus favorable, along with donating and using perfume. Worship of Venus brings happiness in life; there is intensity in love and relationships.

The relation of Venus has been considered with physical comforts, love relations, etc.

The planet Venus is often associated with physical comforts and love relationships. However, its inauspiciousness can lead to a lack of comforting one's life. To counteract this, it is recommended to chant the mantra of Venus while also engaging in acts of donation and using perfume. By worshiping Venus, one can bring happiness into their life and experience a heightened intensity in their love and relationships.


Om Ain Hree Shree Shanaishcharaya Namah:

Shani is said to be a cruel but justice-loving planet. Shani travels slowly in the zodiac signs, so Shani's half-and-a-half and Shani's dasha seem to be there. In this situation, a person has to face many types of problems. For the auspiciousness of Shani, a lamp should be lit under the Peepal tree on Saturday, and this mantra should be chanted. Saturn has great importance in Vedic astrology. Worship of Shani promotes mental peace, happiness, health, and prosperity.

Shani is known as a cruel but justice-loving planet.

Saturn, also known as Shani, is often described as a cruel planet with a strong sense of justice. Its slow movement through the zodiac signs gives rise to the phenomena of Shani's half-and-a-half and Shani's dasha, which can bring about many challenges for individuals. However, there are ways to mitigate the effects of Shani and seek its blessings. One such practice is to light a lamp under the sacred Peepal tree on Saturdays, the day associated with Shani. By doing so, we show our reverence and seek the positive influence of this powerful planet. Additionally, chanting the Shani mantra can further enhance the auspiciousness of our connection with Shani. Worshiping Shani is believed to promote mental peace, happiness, health, and prosperity.

Saturn holds great significance in Vedic astrology.

In the realm of Vedic astrology, Saturn holds immense importance. It is regarded as one of the most influential planets, capable of shaping our lives. The position of Saturn in an individual's birth chart can profoundly impact various aspects of their life, including career, relationships, and overall well-being. To harness the positive energies of Saturn and mitigate any malefic effects, worshiping Shani is highly recommended. By seeking the blessings of Shani, we can bring about positive changes in our lives and alleviate any challenges posed by this mighty planet. Such worship is believed to promote mental well-being, happiness, and overall prosperity.

Shani is associated with discipline, hard work, and perseverance.

Shani, the planet Saturn, is often associated with discipline, hard work, and perseverance. It teaches us important life lessons and helps us grow as individuals. While its influence may bring challenges, it also presents opportunities for personal transformation and spiritual growth. By embracing the qualities represented by Shani, such as patience, determination, and resilience, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success in various aspects of life. Devotion to Shani can bring about inner strength and a deep sense of purpose, allowing us to gracefully navigate life's ups and downs. Through this connection with Shani, we can cultivate the qualities necessary for a fulfilling and meaningful journey.

Rahu Planet

Om Ain Hree Rahave Namah:

In astrology, Rahu is considered a sinful planet. Due to the inauspicious effect of Rahu, a person starts facing obstacles in every work. Apart from this, a person has to bear many types of suffering. Worshiping Lord Shiva is beneficial to pacify Rahu, along with this chanting of this mantra of Rahu gives relief from problems. Rahu planet is considered a malefic planet. By worshiping Rahu, there is an increase in power and social prestige in life.

Rahu is considered a sinful planet in astrology.

In astrology, Rahu is often regarded as a sinful planet, bringing many inauspicious effects. When Rahu is prominent in one's birth chart, obstacles seem to arise at every turn, making it difficult to accomplish tasks and achieve success. Moreover, individuals may face various types of suffering and challenges. However, some remedies can help soothe the negative influence of Rahu. One such treatment is to worship Lord Shiva, who is believed to have the power to mitigate the malefic effects of Rahu. Additionally, chanting the mantra of Rahu can provide relief from the problems caused by this planet.

Rahu is considered a malefic planet.

Rahu, being a malefic planet, is often associated with negative influences. However, it is believed that worshiping Rahu can experience increased power and social prestige. This worship gives individuals the strength and force to overcome obstacles and succeed. Individuals can elevate their status and gain societal recognition by harnessing the positive energies associated with Rahu.

Ketu Planet

Navgrah Mantra: Rahu and Shani can be alleviated by these simple mantras; know which mantra of which planet.

According to astrology, GG HH Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Rahu-Ketu are called Navagrahas. The auspicious and inauspicious position of these Navagraha has a deep impact on a person. Due to the auspicious position of the planets, a person's life becomes happy, and progress is achieved, whereas, due to the inauspicious position of the planets, many types of problems start coming into a person's life. Each planet gives different results. Different mantras are chanted to make each planet favorable. By chanting these mantras, you can get rid of the problems caused by the inauspicious effects of the planets. So let's know which mantra should be chanted to pacify which planet.

Ketu is often regarded as a mysterious planet in astrology.

Ketu, the enigmatic astrology planet, holds a certain mystique that captivates our curiosity. It is often associated with sudden and unexpected events shaping our lives. To harness the positive energies of Ketu and bring peace to its influence, we turn to the revered deity, Lord Ganesha. By worshipping Lord Ganesha, we seek his divine intervention to pacify Ketu's effects and bring harmony to our lives. Chanting a specific mantra dedicated to Ketu can help us align ourselves with its favorable aspects. It is fascinating to note that despite being considered an inauspicious planet, Ketu also has the potential to bestow us with auspicious results. Through the worship of Ketu, we can unlock the doors to improved health, increased wealth, enhanced fortune, and lasting happiness.

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